The combination of increased SVR and cardiac output augment arterial blood pressure, producing hypertension.
全身血管阻力的增大和心输出量的增加导致动脉血压增高, 从而产生高血压.
——期刊摘选This period of hypotension is usually associated with bradycardia, decreased pulse pressure, and decreased cardiac output.
辞典例句AIM : To investigate and develop a new noninvasive measurement method of cardiac output ( CO ) .
目的: 探索并建立一种新的无创伤的心输出量实验 检测系统.
互联网The pump was stopped smoothly open heart surgery finished. No postoperative low cardiac output syndrome happened.
互联网Thus , most cases of bowel ischemia and infarction result from generalized hypotension and decreased cardiac output.
互联网Cardiac output was measured by thermo dilution.
互联网Unless compensated for by increased heart rate, cardiac output decreases.
如果增加心率仍不能代偿, 心排量就会减少.
互联网Therefore , following the NIRS gives critical care physicians a notion of the cardiac output.
互联网BCO gives a in time response to the changes in cardiac output, while CCO is relatively slow.
血液动力学的变化不影响CCO的准确性及其与BCO的相关性.BCO反映 心排血量的变化迅速?
互联网Additionally , patients may have decreases in cardiac output and cerebral perfusion pressures.
互联网The two kidneys a combined weight of some 300 g in man of the cardiac output.
互联网Using the ISPC deice was shown to improve cardiac output and visceral perfusion during pneumoperitoneum ( PP ) .
运用这项 ISPC 设备可显示在造气腹过程中心输出量增加以及内脏血流灌注得以改善.
互联网Arterial pressure is the product of cardiac output and vascular resistance.
互联网The increased cardiac output then can raise the blood pressure.
互联网In patients, because they have decreased peripheral resistance they have high cardiac output.
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